Spiketrap UI/UX Redesign

As a data analytics AI company, Spiketrap's interface was complex, making it difficult for both new and existing customers to navigate.

My role was to lead a transformative redesign that made this data accessible and user-friendly.

Spiketrap Homepage Before Redesign: Limited data displayed in a complicated layout requiring extensive scrolling.

Spiketrap Homepage After Redesign: Presents more data at a glance for a comprehensive overview in an intuitive and accessible format, eliminating unnecessary scrolling and empty space.

Problem Identification: Through initial assessments, I pinpointed critical usability issues:

  1. How can users locate the product they wish to monitor on the platform?

  2. How can users filter data to focus on their specific needs?

  3. How can users compare one product against the entire library or selected items?

  4. How can we present a vast amount of data in a simple and immediate manner?

User-Centered Research: Employing a detailed synthesis of user personas and journey maps, I captured essential user goals and behaviors. This foundational work guided the entire redesign process, ensuring that every decision supported a more intuitive user experience.

Collaborative Design Iteration: In partnership with web developers, I created wireframes and mockups that were continuously refined through extensive feedback loops involving whiteboard sessions, customer surveys, and user testing.

Implementation and Testing:

Working closely with the development team, I ensured the practical feasibility of designs by aligning them with technical capabilities and limitations. Our collaboration was essential in the iterative testing phase, where we fine-tuned the interface based on real user interactions and feedback.


The redesign was highly successful, leading to a significant improvement in user engagement and satisfaction. The new interface was praised for its simplicity and effectiveness, marking a pivotal moment in my career and setting a new standard in user experience for Spiketrap.


This project not only pushed the boundaries of my design skills but also highlighted the importance of a user-centric approach and agile collaboration in achieving innovative solutions. The positive reception of the redesigned platform confirmed the value of our meticulous research and adaptive design strategy.


Spiketrap Lite Dashboard