Spiketrap Lite Dashboard

To broaden access and showcase our AI capabilities, the stakeholders decided to introduce a free, limited version of our dashboard, ensuring that users without full access could still gain a comprehensive overview of our offerings.

Problem Identification: In initial whiteboard sessions, we tackled key issues such as determining the essential features and data for a robust overview, highlighting Spiketrap's unique functionalities, streamlining the upgrade process, and improving the discoverability of related entities in our library.

User-Centered Research: I employed various research methods including creating initial wireframes to visualize the basic structure and functionality, and conducting user surveys to gather feedback and understand user preferences.

Design and Development: After refining the wireframes based on feedback, I crafted high-fidelity mock-ups that represented the envisioned product. These designs underwent stakeholder review for feedback and approval before proceeding to the development phase, where I collaborated closely with developers to ensure accurate implementation.


The launch of Spiketrap Lite was highly successful, enhancing user engagement and broadening our user base. Interestingly, even our paying clients began using the Lite version, drawn by its more intuitive and slick design. This widespread adoption not only underscored the dashboard's effectiveness but also led to Spiketrap Lite becoming the foundation for a comprehensive restyle of the entire platform’s user experience and interface.


This project underscored the importance of targeted feature selection and robust user feedback in creating a product that meets diverse needs while maintaining high usability. The unexpected ways clients utilized Spiketrap Lite enriched our understanding of user interaction, emphasizing the dynamic nature of product usage. These insights reaffirmed the value of collaborative development and iterative design in producing a user-friendly and impactful product, and showcased how continuous feedback is crucial for driving ongoing improvement and innovation.


Spiketrap UI/UX Redesign


Spiketrap Custom Reports Tool